Kim Feierstein, Chair
Stephanie Bulger
Alexa Bredbury
Khalila Brophy
Julia Conlon
Manuela DeMattei
Elaine Duff
Susan Garcia
Amanda Johnson
Maria Kosmaoglou
Nicole LaBarbera
Vanessa Roth
Emma Snyder
Jenna Solis
Sara Topping
All other interested parents
January 16th at 2pm
MINUTES from 12/5 meeting
Homegrown debrief
• In general the feeling is that it was a great event. Kim sent a post-event survey to vendors and will compile data for use in planning next year’s event.
• Parents shared their suggestions for next year:
Alternative milk (almond, soy, etc) at refreshment table
Cider possibly if we can find it inexpensive enough
When people enter mention complimentary activities in the middle - some people thought
it was a paid thing
Cookies were such a big hit that we wonder if Hayground wants to do prepackage cookie bags to sell?
Maybe no music next year since in order for it to be loud enough to hear, it has to be too loud to be able to hear people talking.
Hi-top tables off to the side to fill out raffle tickets will help with entrance flow
Streamline raffle tickets - we don’t need both sides and patrons didn’t know what to do
with the other half
Buy display racks for raffle basket items because not everything is visible when tucked into baskets
Discussion about raising vendor fee - majority of the committee voted no and would like to keep it at $50
Figure out an electronic payment option for donations and raffle tickets (and possibly vendor fees) - possibly Zelle
Holiday emails from class parents
• Parent emails to classes:
• Discuss class holiday plans
• Announce all-school gift collection• Discussed how to guide parents on contributions
• The committee decided not to give a suggested amount, but all class parents will offer their guidance if parents have questions.
Winter social event
• The committee will host an adult trivia night / kids game night • Feb 9th 6pm-8pm
• Adults will do trivia in the gym with potluck snacks and drinks
• Kids will be in the main building with several different activities / games in separate
rooms so there is something for all ages • Possible karaoke in the gathering space
New ideas proposed
Picture day in Spring
• Ask for a photographer volunteer to take photos of each child and class photos
• Something laid back / not as formal as a traditional photo day
• Photos would be available on a photo-sharing site for everyone to order prints of what they want
Toy sale in the Spring
• Children could donate 5 items - half of the proceeds would go to school and half to the child
• A way to teach children about reusing and not being a disposable society
• Maybe it’s in conjunction with an Earth Day celebration
• Families would have to take back toys that were not purchased so school didn’t end up with a pile that they would then have to figure out how to donate.
Family photo shoot fundraiser - for next fall
• Volunteer photographers
• Families would donate money for a 10/15 minute session for a family photo on campus • Could be marketed as a family photo session for holiday cards