The kids enjoyed their first week at The Watermill Center with Philippe Cheng. Philippe engaged them in a discussion about self and identity, focusing on passports. They explored the information found in a passport and the format of portraiture. In the coming weeks, the kids will create their own passports to further investigate self and identity.
Read MoreAs we begin the second week of December we are immersed in the world of Shakespeare’s The Tempest. The children are loving this tale of adventure, magic, romance, and conspiracy. They are exploring the meaning of the text in their scene rehearsals and through our annual art project, The Shakespeare Scramble. The “Scramble” is a collaborative project whereby partners illustrate a line of text in the form of a multimedia poster.
Read MoreOur class is busy, busy, busy. We are proud to have finished the projects for our Upcycled Design Challenge, and look forward to donating them to the youngest students at Hayground—if we can part with them. The kids were inspired after visiting the Watermill Center and seeing the art of Lucien Shapiro, who used objects found while beach combing on Shinnecock beaches.
Read MoreWhat are useful ways you utilize a surfboard? I hope you’re not thinking surfing, because we want new, innovative, out-of-box, answers only! We all brought in random everyday objects and brainstormed new ways we could use these objects. Other than a surfboard, we analyzed a spoon, brick, floss, a mask, a juicer, and much more!
Read MoreAs the weather gets colder we are eagerly observing the changes in foliage. Much of our artwork this month reflects the warm orange, yellow, red and browns that are now part of our outdoor classroom life. In the spirit of giving thanks, we read Remember by Joy Harjo who inspired us to write our own reflections on memories and things we hold dear.
Read MoreNow that apprenticeships are over, the senior learners are reflecting on their work and researching to further their knowledge and understanding of their mentor organizations for their digital portfolios. Much goes into reflecting on their learning experiences, and the senior learners are enjoying the creative freedom of creating a digital portfolio. This process will take a while, and when the portfolios are complete, the students will present them at a gathering.
Read MoreIn keeping with our class endeavor to eliminate waste, our class repurposed political signs so we could share our Hayground values with those who pass by Hayground School. The students brainstormed the qualities and goals we strive for at Hayground, and we posted the signs by the back entrance to the school on Mitchell Ln.
Read MoreOctober has been a truly special month for us all! Embracing adventure, discovery, and learning amidst the beauty of fall is such a lovely way to celebrate the season.
Read MoreAs October comes to a close the children are finding the rhythm to our days and are enjoying the crisp fall air and abundant sunshine. We’ve enjoyed several exciting visits this month:
Read MoreThe senior learners participated in an anti-bullying workshop conducted by the LGBT Network this week.. This interactive workshop defined bullying as aggressive, unwanted, and repeated behaviors toward others that involve a real or perceived power imbalance. The kids were asked to work in groups to describe instances they witnessed bullying either in real life or in film, to come up with reasons why bystanders may not get involved when witnessing bullying, as well as ways that one can stand up for those who are bullied.
Read MoreOur class is deeply involved in constructing their designs that repurpose cardboard boxes. We can’t wait to unveil the finished products soon. They are now better able to use tools, such as box cutters, tape, screws magnets and zip ties, with greater independence.
Read MoreIn addition to students diving into clay, drawing, painting and sculpture, we have started our big school-wide collaborative project! Inspired by the Spanish designer and architect, Antoni Gaudi, we have been studying the intersection of sculpture, architecture and the natural world.
Read MoreAs we settle into lovely fall weather we continue to focus on storytelling, both with and without words. We have been considering what makes a story, a story, and discussing the many ways people have told stories throughout history.
Read MoreOur class community is evolving, and students are developing new partnerships and friendships. We began our first design challenge, which is to reuse the piles of cardboard we have collected to make things that we will give to the two youngest classes. Without prompting, the kids formed multi-age work groups, and began brainstorming ideas for what to make.
Read MoreThe senior learners are settling into their apprenticeships. Nate and Dutch are at the Southfork Natural History Museum and Nature Center; Ava is at John Jermain Library; Indie is working with our resident scientist, Hannah; Viv and Nina are at the Children's Museum; Sophia is at Arf; Augie and Aidan are at L & W Cafe and Market; Aylin and Jazmyn are at the East End Veterinary Clinic and, on Tuesdays, at The Watermill Center. There is much to learn, and the senior learners will begin researching questions they have about their experiences and organizations shortly.
Read MoreThe first month of school has been absolutely delightful, filled with joyful energy and many activities to help us bond as a community. From team-building games to group discussions, we've spent a lot of time getting to know one another and creating a positive atmosphere for learning. Each day has brought new opportunities to collaborate, share ideas, and build connections that will strengthen our classroom community throughout the year. We are all excited about the strong foundation we've established and look forward to what's ahead.
Read MoreCongratulations! We completed our first weeks of school together! We are already off to a great start. Thank you to all our families for joining us on our annual Hayground Apple Picking adventure and to those who made it to our parent gathering.
Read MoreThe beginning of the school year is all about laying a solid foundation upon which we build our learning. At the end of the first full week of school we are encouraged by the ground we have already covered. First day jitters have quickly given way to budding friendships, joyful smiles, and a growing culture of kindness and hard work.
Read MoreSag Harbor Express - Stephen J. Kotz on Aug 27, 2024
The Hayground School’s proposal for a new classroom building, which has been on the drawing board for the better part of six years, will be the subject of a public hearing for site-plan approval before the Southampton Town Planning Board on September 12.
Read MoreThe first three days of school were as lovely as the weather. The senior learners enjoyed some beginning-of-the-year icebreakers, swam in the pool, created charts for their classroom, played telephone, arranged their binders, began our read-aloud, Lord of the Rings, learned about different kinds of words, and discussed our work together for the year. And, of course, we had fun and rekindled friendships.
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