Happenings At Hayground

We have been holding a series of “Kindness discussion” during our weekly afternoon gatherings. The topics the kids bring up include  “Are we saying please and thank you in the lunch line?” Are we cleaning up after ourselves in the lunchroom so that our friends who have clean-up that day don’t have so much work?” “When someone holds a door for us what do we say or do?” “What happens when we run through the classroom building?"

As an extension we are going to start "Friendship lunches” in smaller groups to deepen the conversation about what a good friend looks like. 

Happenings at school --please join us!

Monday January 27 – Hudson Music Concert – 4:00-4:30 – All invited – come see our Hayground musicians in action! Then sign your kids up!

Monday, January 27 -  Open Board Meeting 5-7 pm

Tuesday, January 28 – Lunar New Year gathering 2:30 - parents invited come welcome in the year of the Wood snake.

Madeline Kiss