Welcome Back!

Happy New Year!

What a wonderful production of The Tempest. There were so many examples of students shining during the residency. We will share some photos soon.

Please keep an eye out for the Winter/Spring afterschool sign-up which will be coming to you soon as well.

Hudson Music will be holding a student concert on January 27 at 4 pm during which they will show off what they have learned this fall and winter. All are welcome.
We are also happy to announce that Hudson Music will continue through the remainder of the year. Those children who are signed up can continue and any new students are welcome to join (7 and up). Please let Arjun know. New students can begin on Friday, February 1st.

The Parent Committee is organizing a Trivia night for parents for January 31,  at 6 pm.

Please see below and check our website for upcoming important dates.

Mark Your Calendar
Monday. January 13 - Parent Committee meeting 2:00 pm
Monday, January 20 - Martin Luther King Day – no school
Monday January 27 – Hudson Music Concert – 4:00-4:30
Monday, January 27 -  Open Board Meeting 5-7 pm
Friday, January 31 – Parent Night Out! Trivia Night – 6 pm.
Monday, February 3 – African American Read-in - All day
Monday, February 17 – Friday, February 21 – Mid-Winter Recess school closed
Wednesday, March 5 – Soul Food Night 6-8 pm.

Madeline Kiss