Welcome back for the 2024-25 School Year!

It was great to get to see and chat with many of you during the during parent coffees last week. We will do it again in a few weeks.

A few reminders and school policies:

No dogs on campus - While we love dogs, unfortunately we can’t have them on campus for a variety of health and safety reasons. Thank you for your understanding.

Apple Picking is this Friday leaving Hayground at 9:40 a.m.. Please send in your permission slip and let your classroom teacher know if you can drive.

Extended Programs will be starting Monday (9/23) next week.  You will get a email and a hard copy of the offerings tomorrow.

At faculty meeting last week the staff participated in a school security and safety seminar on best practices in the event of an emergency which was very informative.


SCHOOL HOURS:  The school day begins promptly at 8:30 and ends at 3 pm, except on Fridays when students are dismissed at 12:30.  On Fridays, faculty meets from 1 to 4 pm.  Please inform Cheryl in the office of any pick-up changes.

LUNCH PROGRAM:  Lunch is prepared by our older students four days a week - Tuesdays through Fridays beginning Tuesday, 9/17.

EVERYONE IS LOOKING FORWARD TO A WONDERFUL AND HEALTHY YEAR ON CAMPUS.  As we enter the Fall/Winter season we must be vigilant of several circulating respiratory viruses COVID-19, INFLUENZA AND RSV.

Attached below are the guidelines shared by the CDC, NYS and Suffolk County Board of Health.  

EMOTIONAL AND SOCIAL CARE:  All of us are sensitive and tuned into the feelings of our students, but please do not hesitate to work with us and let us know if your child is feeling uncomfortable or anxious about anything. 

ABSENCES:  Please remember it is school policy to call the school office if your child does not attend school for any reason. Unfortunately, these are still sensitive times, so more than ever, we must know why your child isn’t in school.  If we don’t hear from you, Cheryl will call you.

ILLNESS: Please do not send a child to school when they are sick- including symptoms of a cold.  Students with seasonal allergies must send in a statement from your health care provider.

Madeline Kiss