Enrollment and Admissions for 2024-25 Year

We are finalizing our enrollment and staffing for the 2024-25 school year.  If you will return for the coming school year, please submit your paperwork or contracts as soon as possible.  If you will not be returning, please let us know as soon as possible.

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Madeline Kiss
Solar Eclipse Monday April 8th

In Bridgehampton it starts at 2:13 and the height of the eclipse is 3:27 pm. Any parents who want to be on campus at dismissal are welcome to view with their children. We will have the special sunglasses available for all students who need them.

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Madeline Kiss
COVID-19 and other illnesses:

Unfortunately, many viruses are on the rise, infecting adults and children - stomach virus, influenza, and RSV among them.  Recent holiday gatherings may add to that rise over the next week or so.  We ask Hayground families to continue to be extra vigilant about possible exposures.  And as always, please do not send your children to school if they exhibit any symptoms:  cough, fever, sore throat, vomiting, or diarrhea. Please keep them home until they are no longer vomiting and fever-free for 24 hours.  We ask that they either test negative for Covid-19 or your Health Care Practitioner provides written clearance.  Thank you for your support and transparency.  We are grateful that our community works together to avoid spreading illnesses throughout the school.

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Ted Delano