Amy's Class Notes
We are naturalists. We are scientists. We are authors. We listen to other's thoughts. We are collaborators.
So many exciting investigations are going on in Amy's classroom! For instance, we have observed that the bunny eats everything, including a preference for books, needs places hide or calm spots, and needs to have freedom to roam. Armed with these thoughts in mind, the class came up with building Harvey a safe and healthy naturalist habitat for him to enjoy. Another project that we have decided to work on involves puppet theater renovations. We loved our Ruby Bridges Theater, but we need to expand. Our class enjoys using puppets and we want to be able to have more than 2 children in a scene. We will go through the process of thinking about what worked well with our theater and what we might want to change. For our end of year culminating activity, we will write and perform our own puppet show in our renovated theater about the flora and fauna that we have discovered on Hayground property this year. How will the plant or animals' personality traits be revealed through character development? You are sure to be in for a treat!
As the spring begins to come forth around us, we are using photography, sketches, and a wonderful learning app called Seek to help us identify plants and animals. Each child has the opportunity to help photograph flora and fauna and log it into our classroom database.