Erin & Tohanash's Class Notes
How can September already be more than halfway done! It is hard to believe we have only been to-gether as a class for less than two weeks. We have fit many things in during that time. We began by get-ting to know one another, initially by singing the name song “Willaby Wallaby Woo.” We change the beginning letter of everyone’s name each time for some comical results. This has led us to some litera-cy work, namely letter sounds, where we share words in which we can hear particular letters. This past week we focused on the “S” in Henry Samuel’s last name and started a class book for him.We have also begun reading a fall poem together, where we will become familiar with rhyme, sight words, and begin our own poem books, which we will add to as the year progresses.
We have begun block printing animals and insects on large white curtains to decorate our classroom. We hope to continue with this, as well as tie dye another set. We have also begun collecting natural and human-made objects around the campus which we will use to create two artworks for our classroom. We don’t want to give too much away, so stay tuned! When you visited our classroom earlier this month you may remember our science table. We have spent time discussing what observation means, and how we need to use all our senses to help us understand what we see. We were aided in this by the gift of a caterpillar from Eider, which transformed into a monarch butterfly while we were in math one day. He has since brought in a praying mantis, and Joni has brought in a box turtle. As you can see, we have been given an abundance of things to occupy our time!