Julie's Class Notes
This week we welcomed Indigo’s mom, Suzannah, to our class as we began a seed saving project. Suzannah is a farmer at Foster Farm and brought with her heirloom varieties of tomatoes and cucumber. The students enjoyed digging in and noticing the ways seeds con-nect to the pulp of the fruit and the difference in size of the seeds. The seeds are currently drying in the classroom and next week each child should have a packet of heirloom seeds to plant next year. We also examined purple corn and seeds from different squash.
In class we read a poem about summer inspired by nature and the sounds, sights and tastes unique to this time of year. Afterward, the students tried their hand at writing their own poem, tapping into their summer memories.
We all weighed in on what will be our Class Agreement, which includes how we re-spect everyone’s wishes for noise level, how we use materials, and how we have construc-tive conversations.
The kids enjoyed another day in the pool and riding on the Pump Track.