Julie's Class Notes
So many projects, so little time. We are nearing the end of our school year, but our projects are still in full effect. As we plan for the final Hayground Market sale on June 6, students are inventing or making unique toys to display and sell. We have refined our understanding of how to use natural dyes, and natural materials more effectively, and will bring back some favorite products from past sales, like Eco Dyed tea towels and lip balms made with our very own lemon balm oil.
Our class has made an impressive profit from our sales so far. In an effort to be responsible with how we use the money, we have chosen to create a brochure with impor- tant information about the Southern Pine Beetle to leave at trail heads and other locations to educate the public and let them know what they can do to help stop the devastation and prevent them from continuing their northward migration. If we have money left over, we will also make a donation to Jacie’s Kids; a local organization that helps children undergoing treatment for cancer, and their families.
Of course, the kids need to have some fun too, so we will be taking a class trip to Urban Air in Lake Grove, next Wednesday May, 22. Please be on the look out for permission slips and waivers for this trip.