Seiya's Class Notes
March came in like a lion but went out less like a lamb and more as a golden retriever in from a fresh romp in a puddle, shaking water and mud all over the walls. Fortunately, we're more than equipped to handle bad weather and our class had a blast engaging in authentic experiences together.
We worked as a school to create a fantastic gradient mural of Bell Hooks, inspired a multi-classroom effort to write Tacocat a mind-boggling number of times, and learned to respect the senior learners’ prowess at dodgeball.
We finished reading Holes and posted "Wanted" signs all over school, started fleshing out our Invention designs through first drafts of our prototypes and began to write in earnest to participate in the Budding Authors program at the Hampton Library.
Spring is here and it is so great seeing smiling faces as we continue to learn and explore.