Senior Learners Class Notes
We enjoyed our two-week residency with artist, Lexy Ho-Tai which was made possible by The Watermill
Center. For our first session with Lexy, she talked about her development as an artist that began within child-
hood and the influence of her early artistic experiences on her work today. She gave us a Zoom tour of her stu-
dio and spoke passionately about her environmental values and how they inform her decision to use discarded
and recycled materials in her art. Lexy gave step-by-step lessons on constructing the base of a mask using card-
board and ways to approach puppet making by collecting discarded materials. The kids went on to construct
their masks and puppets while Zooming along with Lexy, who worked on her art throughout our session. The
following week, the kids presented their work and discussed their process and ideas with Lexy. It was an enjoy-
able project, and it was great for the kids to meet and work with Lexy.
We launched the Senior Learner projects last week. The kids refined their ideas, began their research, and
were paired with a faculty mentor. The projects begin with research, and the classroom is conducive to quiet and
focused work. While each student is developing the skills to undertake an independent project, we spend time
checking in with one another, making suggestions about proceeding with one’s work when necessary, and offer-
ing one another moral support. When checking in, decisions are often made about what to focus on during our
work sessions in the classroom. Your senior learner may need materials and books for their project and will
communicate their needs with you in the coming days and weeks. This year the projects are: A Study of Hypno-
sis, Mars and Mars Rovers, Building a Humane Electric Mouse Trap, Writing and Illustrating a Graphic Novel,
Interior Design, Architecture and Design, A Study of the Eye, Painting, A Study of Nikola Tesla and Making a
Tesla Coil, and A Study of the Spanish Inquisition. The presentations are scheduled for Thursday, April 15th.