Sakiko & Javis’s Class Notes

October has been a truly special month for us all! Embracing adventure, discovery, and learning amidst the beauty of fall is such a lovely way to celebrate the season.

We shared such a fun and exciting month! We got to enjoy the beautiful fall weather and watch the leaves change colors all around us.  One of the highlights was studying the amazing life cycle of the monarch butterfly. We observed it transform from a tiny caterpillar to a chrysalis and finally into a stunning butterfly, Just in time for its fall migration. We had the opportunity to release 7 beautiful monarch butterflies and wish them a safe journey south to warmer weather and possibly to Mexico!

During the week we also continue to explore new topics in our music, garden and science classes. Music has been a special time for the children as they share the time with a few friends from Marybeth and RJ’s class. It’s wonderful to see them collaborating with different instruments and dancing with the colorful silk scarves that music Mike brings in.

We also had a two special visits. One, from the fire department, where firefighters taught us about fire safety and have a tour of their big red fire engine!  Science teacher, Hannah invited her friends, The Bug Chicks, to host an all school gathering where we got to meet and touch some interesting insects and learned how to care for them.