With family at the center of our worlds, it is only natural we started the year sharing our family stories with

our classmates. Tying into the year's theme, I would like to thank the families who attended our Class Get

Together and shared your own artistic renditions of your families! For many of our students, this is their very

first year attending a program away from home and all its many comforts. With your help, we are creating

community within the school setting that honors both child and family. We look forward to further partnering

with families as you become a guest visitor and share favorite stories, books, cooking, food or music from your family!

In the classroom we have recently been gifted (thanks, Arjun!) five brightly colored writing fish! Rapunzel,

Elsa, Sherbet Spiderman, Princess Rainbow Lollipop, and Green Fish have all become our latest pen pals.

With the help of their friends octopus and snorkeling squirrel, they have been able to write us back on a regular

basis. It always helps to have a good story and some pets to get the literacy juices flowing!