Julie’s Class Notes

The advent of our first real snowfall has made this the perfect time to settle in with a good book as part of a book club. Students have started reading and discussing their books, paying close attention to the author’s craft in developing characters, and plot. These books will become mentor texts that students can consult during their own writing when they want to implement similar techniques, or when they want to reference how to notate dialogue, for instance.

We have started planning our next Hayground Market sale, which will be around Valentine’s Day, exact date TBA. Students have started taking responsibility for the implementation, planning, and deadlines for when products need to be completed. They were all given blank calendars for the next 6 months, and together we plotted the months, number of days in each month, (this year is a Leap Year BTW), vacation days, and weekends, to see how many days of potential work were left. We then estimated the amount of time it would take to complete each product. This project is ongoing. — January 17, 2024