We had another great week filled with lots of outdoor play and exploration. We continued our study of empathy this week and created a poster together for our classroom with the definition of empathy and some illustrations of different feelings. We also began delving more deeply into the idea of identity.
Read MoreThe senior learners are settling into their friendships and classwork and are enjoying
being together. We are ad-justing to our routines of hand-washing, physical distancing,
and when appropriate, mask-wearing.
Read MoreWe are all enjoying a growing sense of community as we settle into the school year. The children have been working hard, playing hard, and appear to be loving all of it.
Read MoreHow can September already be more than halfway done! It is hard to believe we have only been to-gether as a class for less than two weeks.
Read MoreThis week we welcomed Indigo’s mom, Suzannah, to our class as we began a seed saving project.
Read MoreThe kids completet their Senior Learner essays and will receive their feedback from Sonia Aroas shortly.
Read MoreErin and Kevin were inspired by the rocks that Leo and Kiera painted last week, and coincidentally, Kevin had thought of that project, too. He actually thought maybe the kids could make Pet Rocks! In our classroom, the kids collect rocks daily — sharing them, using them to put into our Above and Beyond jar, wondering if they are crystals or even dinosaur fossils!
Read MoreDear Hayground Families,We know a lot of you are getting into baking these days and what is more delicious than a fresh loaf of bread?We make bread all the time at Hayground using our sourdough starter Juanita.
Read MoreThis week, children in Marybeth and R.J.'s class resumed their study of slavery in various ways. Some children participated in an interactive, virtual journey on the Underground Railroad,
Read MoreZoom Call anyone? This seems to be the phrase on everyone’s lips these days. Even though we are experiencing challenging and uncertain times, we are fortunate to
Read MoreI hope all of you are finding ways to weather this pandemic storm!! The kids look a bit tired, perhaps a bit overwhelmed, but happy to see their classmates on our Zoom conference calls.
Read MoreChefs like Colin Ambrose, Abigail Hitchcock, and Joe Realmuto don’t often get the chance to collaborate on a full-out dinner, but when they do, something spectacular is likely to happen…
Read MoreFall is upon us! The warm weather means lots of time outside. We’ve been creating dinosaur soup in the mud kitchen, cutting down sunflowers with Jon Snow, and getting soaked at the water table. In the classroom we have been getting used to our daily routines.
Read MoreWelcome back Hayground families! The first two weeks of school have been full of discovery. We have been spending time exploring the campus, getting to know our friends, reading books, making art, and playing outside.
Read MoreWe are off to a great start. The students began their kitchen/studio rotation. They made the first school lunch and looking at the pictures one can tell that they worked hard to ensure that lunch was on time and delicious.
Read MoreWe enjoyed our first trip to Bridgehampton Library. Kelly Harris, the library’s director, toured us through each section of the library, and the kids had the opportunity to check out range of items from novels to language learning audio books.
Read MoreSince September 2018, students of the Hayground School in Bridgehampton worked in a collective effort with artist-in-residence and former Hayground teacher Alice Hope to create a cumulative piece that represents a shared goal.
Read MoreBeginning in September 2018, Hayground School students in Bridgehampton worked alongside artist-in-residence Alice Hope to collectively create a cumulative sculpture that marks time longitudinally over the year in a succession of 24 Fridays.
Read MoreThank you so much to all the parents and Dumbledore who gave up their time, financial support and props for the Harry Potter Experience. It's because of all of your hard work that this event was a huge success! So far we have raised $2405.00!
Read MoreEarlier this winter each child browsed their writing folder and selected their favorite piece of original fiction, or non-fiction, to publish. The children have been working hard to revise, edit, and type their work, and are nearly ready to submit their books to the Hampton Library for their annual “Budding Authors” event.
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